The Collection

Latina/os are growing in number in the US and changing the dynamic nature of the church. These Latina/o believers bless the church with a rich heritage of traditions, theological contributions, and heroes of the faith. If you are not Latina/o, use this collection to learn more about the treasure you have in your brown family. For those that do identify as Latina/o, this collection is meant to help you rediscover your roots.


Mestizo Podcast Interview

On this episode, we sit down with Dr. Robert Chao Romero to discuss his upcoming book Brown Church: Five Centuries of Latina/o Social Justice, Theology, and Identity. We explore the cultural and theological riches of the Brown Church, discuss heroes of the Latina/o community, and the future the Brown Church envisions. Join us as we listen to Dr. Chao Romero.

Articles on The Brown Church

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