News — World Outspoken

Pictures of our Toddler

End of Year Review

I (Emanuel P.) sometimes describe World Outspoken as a growing toddler. Still learning words; making discoveries; growing personality. But, like any parent will tell you, this toddler made some remarkable gains this year, the kind that leave a parent stunned and reaching for their camera. These are the five snapshots that capture our community’s growth in 2022. We praise God for the Kingdom impact and invite you to join us in celebrating the service of, with, and for those in-between.

Our Five Snapshots

  1. Making Training Accessible

  2. Hosting an Event like no Other

  3. Growing Interns, Student Writers, and Scholars-in-Residence

  4. Expanding Church Resources with a Series of Audio-Essays

  5. Teaching and Training Virtually and In-Person

Making Training Accessible

Our biggest change was the launch of our online platform for contextualized courses. Our Learning Center hosts short courses designed specifically for ministries in cultural transition. Whether you are wrestling with language issues, change-readiness, or cultural competency, our courses equip leaders to step into their role with confidence. Enroll in an available courses now.

Hosting An Event

like no Other

We partnered with Christian Community Development Association (CCDA) and Candler School of Theology to host a special two-day virtual event celebrating theologies and ministry approaches from two of our wells.

Dr. Rene Padilla and Dr. John M. Perkins were founders of a distinct theo-praxis in their places and ministry contexts. Their models of ministry focused on social, economic, political, and spiritual restoration for the marginalized in Latin America and the US.

This was a unique dialogue between scholars and practitioners where the intersection between these theologies “from below” were explored with nearly 100 practitioners from several countries and organizations. Read below how CCDA and Candler’s leaders experienced the event.

From Candler School of Theology

At its core, theological education exists to strengthen the Church. It seeks to equip pastors, priests and other ecclesial leaders to serve in ways that reflect the needs of their communities. And yet, as a whole, theological education is in a season of examining how well it is fulfilling its purpose, which is necessary to remain faithful to the spiritual formation of students already serving in ministry. This has led us to explore new models of ecclesiology and this conference aligns with that shift. In this space scholars and practitioners were invited to co-exist and intentionally pursue the intersectionality of intellectual thought and practical application. Through the philosophies of Misión Integral and Christian Community Development, Padilla and Perkins offer us models that bridge the work of the Church with that of the Academy, and call us to collectively engage in community transformation.
- Rev. Dr. Joanne Solis-Walker, Associate Dean and Professor in the Practice of Leadership


The Christian Community Development Association (CCDA) was delighted to be a part of this event. It was obvious that the conversation around the intersection of Misión Integral and Christian Community Development was and continues to be needed. The most compelling part of the event was engaging both the theology and praxis of both philosophies. Dr. Perkins & Dr. Padilla’s philosophies and lives compel us to commit ourselves to seeing people and communities holistically restored. CCDA is a nationwide community of practitioners who are doing just that. It was beautiful seeing several members of our association, including one of our founders, Dr. Perkins, represent the CCD philosophy and we look forward to more conversations and events bridging the scholar-practitioner divide.

- Christina Foor, Advocacy & Communications Lead

Our Growing Leadership Community

This year we added student writers to our community, accepting four submissions from student leaders across the educational spectrum (undergrads, grads, and PhD students). We also saw the growth of our Scholars-in-Residence program, adding Michelle Navarrete to our team. Our internship program has even earned previous interns awards and recognitions. Read Wendy’s testimony about winning a grant and attending a leadership conference after being part of our internship program.

From Wendy Cordero-Rugama

One of the strengths of the WOS internship program is the professional development opportunities it gives interns. When I was an intern in 2021, WOS connected me with FTE to review and provide feedback on one of their vocational discernment courses. It was a fruitful experience to network with the FTE community and learn about their vocational discernment model. Earlier in 2022, WOS was invited to nominate interns for FTE's conferences and retreats, and I was selected to participate in the 2022 Discern Retreat this past September. After participating in the retreat, I was awarded a ministry exploration grant of $1,000 for 2023. With this grant, I will be discerning my call to pastoral ministry in relation to my academic pursuit. I will work with a local church in Chicago that has given me the space to explore how to bridge my academic interests with the concerns and needs of this particular congregation.

Expanding Our Church Resources

We recruited Colton Bernasol to publish his Masters Thesis as a series of audio essays for the church. The increasing sense of loss and devastation affecting leaders made his work invaluable, and we worked with Colton to do something truly unique. Listen to the episodes as part of the Mestizo Podcast.

From Colton Bernasol

As with much in the academy, master’s theses can often remained cloistered away and accessible only to a few. World Outspoken has pushed back against this and with their support, I’ve been able to develop my research to speak to communities beyond the academy. I’m grateful for the podcast essay series they’ve helped produced. I’ve not only been given the room to develop my ideas further, but present them to communities who are wrestling with faith today.

Don’t Forget our other Podcasts

Our podcasts address a range of questions and challenges facing leaders today (e.g. justice, theology, pop culture, and identity). Join the conversation by listening to the podcasts in the WOS network.

Teaching and Training Leaders

Reaching Leaders in classrooms, webinars, pulpits, conferences, and congress (!!!), our team offered training on a variety of challenges facing leaders. We were especially excited about the nearly 40 leaders who joined the Latinx networking session we hosted at CCDA national conference (second pic left-to-right, top row). These leaders shared their stories and testified to the importance of spaces that we create for bi-cultural leaders. Interested in learning from our leaders? Request our teaching team now.

We continue making together (en conjunto)!

Because of nuestra gente, despite a challenging 2022, WOS can celebrate greater impact for the Church in-between. We have significantly expanded our educational resources and equipping opportunities thanks to your support.

As we continue serving faithfully in this growing ministry, we have a critical need. WOS needs your help in matching our capacity with our opportunity. 

We believe that every leader serving within changing communities, including you, should have access to resources that help them remain faithful in the midst of a fluctuating culture. Therefore, we strive to create accessible resources for continued learning

We are making tremendous progress toward these goals, but need your help to be able to take some exciting new steps in 2023. 

Will you contribute toward our $15k end of year fundraising goal? Your gift will help secure and enhance the work of WOS. You can donate by submitting your donation online below or by sending a check to World Outspoken, 3105 North Oak Park Avenue, Chicago, IL, 60634.


Internship Program Under New Leadership

The World Outspoken leadership team is excited to welcome Lesley Mayra as internship coordinator.

Originating from a resilient Scandinavian heritage in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Lesley has been a Chicagoan for the past 20 years. She serves as the Operations Manager for Relevant Homes, the real estate/design/build firm that she and her husband, Jeff own together.

In her role as internship coordinator, Lesley will oversee the promotion of the program, recruitment, onboarding and retention.

Lesley Mayra

Lesley is passionate about building community, new culinary endeavors, and being active in the outdoors. She resides in the Logan Square neighborhood with Jeff and their three children.

Welcome to the team, Lesley! We are excited to have you shape the next generation of the mestizo church.

Displays of Latin@ and Asian Solidarity

Displays of Latin@ and Asian Solidarity

Last week, we partnered with the Asian American Christian Collaborative to host the Latin@ and Asian American Christians United Against Racism panel. Two of our own represented on the panel: Reichert Zalameda, host of Questions from the Pew, and Emanuel Padilla, our president. We also had some regular contributors and friends join us from across Chicago-land. You can watch the event below. After watching, read the “What’s next?” response from Colton Bernasol.


Mentoring for Young Adults Grant

The World Outspoken Internship program is expanding!

World Outspoken is a recipient of the Forum for Theological Exploration’s Mentoring for Young Adults grant. WOS is committed to offering internship opportunities to undergraduate and graduate students as they process a hyphenated identity, ministry to diasporic people, and faithful ways to honor the traditions they inherit. These interns are given real ministry experiences that will prepare them for the complex challenges of the mestizo church.

Launched as a pilot August 2020, The World Outspoken Culturemakers Internship Program successfully welcomed five interns onto the team. These talented students contributed to the ministry of WOS through graphic and web design, social media management, course creation, and content translation during the 2020-2021 academic year. Mentoring is a critical component of the program. Small group gatherings and one-one conversations between interns and mentors, become catalysts for spiritual and professional growth.

Thank you, FTE, for partnering with us in preparing in the next generation to lead whole and healthy ministries.

Capacity Building Grant Award Announcement

We are thrilled to announce that World Outspoken has been selected to receive a Capacity Building Grant from Leadership Education at Duke Divinity in partnership with Asociación para la Educación Teológica Hispana (AETH). Capacity Building Grants offer Christian institutions resources to strengthen their current organizational capacities and build new ones in a yearlong project.

Leadership Education.png

Leadership Education aims to create lasting change in U.S. congregations by supporting Christian leaders and the institutions they serve. They design educational services, develop intellectual resources, and facilitate networks of institutions that cultivate a coherent vision of Christian institutional leadership and form Christian leaders. Leadership Education is an initiative of Duke Divinity School funded by Lilly Endowment Inc. and based in Durham, N.C.


AETH's mission is to promote excellent and pertinent theological education of Hispanic/Latino/a leaders in their service to the church and the world. AETH recognizes and affirms the valuable work that Bible Institutes and other theological entities undertake in preparing pastors and lay leaders for the work of ministry within Hispanic/Latino/a churches.

We will announce more details about our project later this Spring, but for now you can expect it to relate to the Mestizo Podcast. Again, we are honored to be among the recipients of this prestigious award, and look forward to increasing our support of the mestizo church.

New Partners

World Outspoken believes that our partners are fundamental to the preparation of the Mestizo Church for ministry in today’s world. These three new partners address key areas of preparation for the church. We will be working with them to provide training, resources, and free content addressing key areas of ministry.

Mygration Christian Conference

Mygration Christian Conference provides excellent, free webinars where they explore God's heart through stories of immigration. It is becoming increasingly important that the church understand the complexities of immigration biblically. In partnership with the conference, we will regularly share events addressing this subject.

Brown Church Movement

The Brown Church Movement is a collective of Brown church folks doing things around the country that impact, inform and inspire the Brown church world and its allies. Many organizations and leaders joined together to set start the movement, and we are happy to be one of them. To learn more about the Brown Church, check out our interview with Dr. Robert Chao Romero on the book that inspired the movement.


Passion2Plant (P2P) is a church planting, revitalization, and planter support network that works primarily with Black and Brown individuals. We will be partnering with P2P to provide teaching to their cohorts of future church planters.

Meet Our Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors invests deeply to cultivate a healthy and engaged work team, refusing to treat governance as a necessary evil. They pursue active unity and diversity within the board, ensuring that all of the World Outspoken community is represented and that expectations are high, clear, and mission-aligned. Here is a short introduction to our Board of Directors.

Board Chair

Board Chair

Elizabeth Conde-Frazier

Rev. Dr. Elizabeth Conde Frazier is a practical theologian. She is an ordained pastor of the American Baptist Church with over ten years of pastoral experience. She was founder of the Orlando E. Costas Hispanic and Latin American Ministries Program at Andover Newton Theological School, served as a tenured professor of religious education at the Claremont School of theology and as academic dean and vice president of education at Esperanza College of Eastern University. Currently she is the Coordinator of Relations for Theological Entities at the Association of Hispanic Theological Education. Elizabeth joins us from the Grand Rapids, MI area where she now lives with her husband.

VP & Treasurer

VP & Treasurer

Jeff Mayra

Jeff is the founder and owner of Relevant Homes. He is an IL licensed realtor with Kale Realty in Chicago. In addition to his work as realtor and designer, Jeff serves on the Coordinating Council of Good News Bible Church, helping the congregation steward their resources faithfully. Along with his wife Lesley and three children, Jeff now lives in Logan Square, Chicago.



Natnael Moges

Nate is a member of Dentons' Real Estate practice. In his legal work, he focuses on commercial real estate in a variety of asset classes, including office, retail, health care, industrial and multi-family projects. Nate has represented corporate, institutional, and nonprofit clients. Originally from Ethopia, Nat and his wife Feven now live in the Humboldt Park neighborhood of Chicago with their two little daughters.

Partnerships & Consulting Chair

Partnerships & Consulting Chair

Q Nellum

Q is the director of Q. Inc and a Denver denizen. She’s a committed youth worker, laboring with her team of young leaders for 20 years to bring wholeness to her local neighborhood and make Denver something new. One of the ministries Q helped start is Artz N the Hood, a camp dedicated to cultivating servant leadership with urban youth by helping them develop their artistic talents and empowering them as leaders in their communities.

Educational Content Chair

Educational Content Chair

Agustin Quiles

Agustin wears many hats as he serves as the primary connector between bishops and denominational leaders, non-profits serving the Hispanic community, and missionary movements targeting young, Latino/a urban leaders. Primarily, we know Agustin as the President of Mission Talk, a conference ministry training young Hispanic leaders to engage in ministry to the urban world. He and his wife serve from the Orlando area.


New Website

After a long season of prayer, consultation, and development, we are excited to introduce you to our new and improved website. You can now see our partners and pursue connections with others in the WOS community. Our content remains the same high quality material you have come to expect from World Outspoken. We simply streamlined your experience, making it easier for you to connect with our resources and training services.

Let us know what you think…

Submit comments on the new look.

Introducing Jelyn Leyva


We are excited to announce the addition of Jelyn Leyva as a staff writer for World Outspoken. A Second-generation Filipina born in Tampa, FL, Jelyn Leyva graduated Moody Bible Institute in Chicago on May 2017 with a Bachelor’s degree in Women in Ministry and an Interdisciplinary in Theology. She is currently in Los Angeles, CA pursuing an MDiv at Fuller Theological Seminary with her emphasis in Christian Ethics. Having lived in various places in the US, Jelyn’s interest lie in the complex history and multi-ethnic life of the Protestant Church in the US. Her hope is to serve this church and its many colors with the consideration of traditional and contemporary theological scholarship.
