Dancing Salsa in Cowboy Boots
Over 66% of Kissimmee, FL is Hispanic. Once a sleepy cowboy town, it is now a hub of Puerto Rican culture in the States. Churches are witnessing remarkable change in the community because of these demographic changes. In light of these new realities, Connection Church hired us to coach and train their leadership on issues of diversity and ministry to Hispanics. Here is what one Pastor said of the experience:
"Our team spent a week with Emanuel Padilla, the managing director of World Outspoken. To say this time was beneficial for our team would be a drastic understatement. World Outspoken provided a number of beneficial and informative services including: the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) assessment, a team and individual debrief of the IDI, and a future strategy session. Emanuel was charitable in guiding us through an enlightening, intricate process. Our team is enlivened to engage and learn from our time with World Outspoken. I personally have been encouraged to progress in my cultural competency. I highly recommend World Outspoken to every organization aspiring to flourish culturally."
-Thomas, Pastoral Staff of The Connection Church
To learn more about our consulting services, visit worldoutspoken.com/consulting-services.