S2E4 - What Is A Patriotic Christian?

S2E4 What Is A Patriotic Christian?

It seems that the political environment in America gets more polarized and hostile with each passing day. Social media is full of partisan arguments being exchanged back and forth, politicians smear and defame each other, and family dinners end in ideological fist-fights. With this broadening divide in the civic arena, disagreements have begun to arise about what it even means to be an American. Suddenly, the popular measure for a true American is whether or not they happen to agree with me.

What does it look like to be a Patriotic Christian in our present political environment? Is patriotism the same thing as nationalistic zeal? Where does the church fit into this conversation? All that and more on this edition of Questions from the Pew.


“Nationalism: Definition, History, and Facts”, Encyclopædia Britannica

“The Definition of a Nationalist”, CNN

“Nationalism”, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

“Patriotism”, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Scripture and Its Interpretation: A Global, Ecumenical Introduction to the Bible, edited by Michael J. Gorman
