S4E14 - LOTR: Outdated or Irrelevant?

S4E14 LOTR: Outdated or Irrelevant?

It’s been said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. That is to say, even the seemingly purest motives can result in disaster and even evil. But if humans are inherently good, then why is that the case? Throughout history there have been multiple examples of movements that started out as a way to address ills of society, but ended up harming it instead. The common link? Humans.

J.R.R. Tolkien saw this up close and personal. Serving in the first World War, he saw first hand how corruptible mankind truly was. And not long after, they repeated their mistake in World War II. But, certainly, we’ve progressed since then, right?

In this episode, we ask: Is the idea behind the relationship between the corrupting Ring and the corruptible ringbearer still relevant today? What are our modern notions of the goodness/depravity of human beings? All that and more on this edition of the podcast.
