S5E8 - Post-Pandemic America: The American Church

S5E8 - Post-Pandemic America: The American Church

The pandemic changed everything. That should go without saying. The whole nation shifted. But moving beyond the macro-changes, there were also changes in smaller pockets of American society. We’ve already talked a bit about how businesses and schools had to transition overnight to remote work and remote learning. Other organizations had to change and continue to change. The political sphere was as volatile as ever, perhaps even more volatile, with political leaders and influencers from both sides throwing accusations at the other. And those who associate with a particular side were very much taking part of it all.

But what about pockets of American society that are thought to be a beacon of hope and guidance in times of upheaval? Religious institutions seem to occupy that space in some shape or another even in our modern age. And for a country that has had such a far-reaching connection to Christianity, the question of how the American church carried itself during the pandemic is an important one.

In this episode, we ask: How did the American church respond? How did the American church’s cultural influence change?
