S3E7 - Education

S3E7 Education

The school year is well under way, but it is far from normal. Indeed, the past two years have been anything but normal, especially in the world of education. Parents and teachers alike put forward different, and sometimes even opposing, views on what topics should be taught and how they should be taught. From elementary schools to college campuses, parents and students are at odds about how to pursue education. Beyond that, Christians have often disagreed on the best method to deliver a specifically Christian education. These varying methods often employ different strategies which are intended to shape students into becoming committed Christ followers. Depending on the values of individual Christian families, students may be homeschooled, attend a Christian private school or simply attend the local public school.

What does a holistic Christian education look like in the 21st century? What is the difference between indoctrination and education? Given our pluralistic cultural context, how should a Christian education interact with the surrounding culture? Is the formal aspect of education the most important in shaping the minds of students? All that and more on this edition of Questions From The Pew.  
