S3E8 - Anger in the USA

The temperature in the United States is high. People are angry. They aren’t particularly angry with someone they know personally, but rather there is growing frustration with the way the country is being run. It seems like every day a news story breaks that sparks outrage from one group and a heated defense from another. Phrases like Black Lives Matter, Blue Lives Matter, anti-vax, mask-mandate, Critical Race Theory, and Make America Great Again immediately elevate the emotional level of any conversation. Much of this has to do with our domestic politics, but the range of topics that Americans are angry about run the gamut from public health to foreign policy to education. 

It’s time that we take a step back to reflect and decompress. What is happening in our nation? Why are Americans so hot? What factors have contributed to this atmosphere of anger that simmers beneath the surface of every public discourse? What does the Bible say about anger? Is it ever justified or is there a more appropriate response? All that and more on this edition of Questions from the Pew.


Americans turn pessimistic amid concerns over economy and coronavirus, CNN

The Real Roots of American Rage, The Atlantic