S3E9 - Evangelicalism Now with Dr. Russell Moore

There are few who would disagree with the statement that there was immense social and political tumult in the United States over the past year and a half. It seemed like every corner of American life was dominated by tribalism and animosity. Political discussions deteriorated into personal attacks from both aisles. State turned against state and many left their home state completely in an effort to escape what they viewed as an unhealthy trajectory and an inevitably disastrous end. Nuanced social concerns were reduced to black and white issues, driving a wedge between groups and individuals who would otherwise bring about needed reform. And so it continues. Caught in the middle of all this are Christians, particularly Evangelicals. With a tent as large as Evangelical Christianity, it is no surprise that Christians have found themselves on opposite, even opposing, sides. With the help of those who claim the identity of “Evangelical” or those who are associated with the movement, Evangelical Christianity garnered a particular reputation during the previous presidency, exposing or causing rifts in many pockets of movement. Public theologian Dr. Russell Moore joins us on this episode to help us think through Evangelicalism in this era.

What is the state of Evangelicalism and Evangelical witness in the United States? How fractured is American Evangelical Christianity along socio-political lines? On political and cultural issues, are Evangelical Christians dying on the wrong hills? Can we recover the kind of witness early evangelicals like William Wilberforce had in our own socio-political climate? How can Evangelical Christians, whichever side of the aisle they are on, move forward? All that and more on this edition of Questions From The Pew.


Dr. Russell Moore’s Website

The Courage to Stand: Facing Your Fear Without Losing Your Soul

Onward: Engaging the Culture without Losing the Gospel

The Storm-Tossed Family: How the Cross Reshapes the Home