S5E2 - Questions & Doubts: Are There "Dangerous" Questions?

If you spend any time taking care of young children, you’ll know that they ask a lot of questions, often more than you have energy to answer. They’re usually simple, even humorous. But once in a while they ask the big questions - questions about the meaning of life, death, purpose, and faith. No matter how old we get, we continue to ask those kinds of questions in one form or another. And it can feel like these questions can never be answered with complete certainty. And this makes some people uncomfortable.

The search for certainty has had often disastrous results. For example, the Exvangelical movement has garnered a large amount of attention in the past few years, making many church leaders nervous. Among other reasons, it seems that the questions those people are asking are not being answered by the Church, at least not in a satisfactory way. But this is not a modern phenomenon. And if you grew up in church, chances are you know that there were some questions that were off limits, and asking those questions would be a signal of a shaky faith. But are those unspoken boundaries really keeping people safe?

In this episode, we ask: Has our obsession with certainty driven us to label some questions as “dangerous?” How have we done this implicitly or explicitly? Is there such a thing as a dangerous question? If so, what is the danger? All that and more on this edition of the podcast.