S5E3 - Questions & Doubts: "Help My Unbelief"

It is easy to think of life in terms of black and white, this or that. But rarely is that ever the case. We live in the in-between more than we think we do. Nowhere is that more evident than in the realm of faith, spirituality, and religion. Faith and doubt are often thought of as being in opposition to each other. If your faith is strong, then no doubts will arise. But if you have doubts, you have to have more faith. This creates an imbalance where the two are not fully addressed in a meaningful way.

In the pursuit of a strong faith, we ignore our doubts and questions. In asking questions and voicing doubts, we often forget to ask what part faith has in answering them. And so, the two remain ever at odds. Perhaps it is good to sit in that in-between space instead of rushing to one side or the other. Perhaps a more worthwhile goal is not to arrive at a conclusion, but to understand how to live in a state of flux and observe how God is working in it.

In this episode, we ask: Are faith and doubt always enemies? What does it mean to have faith? What does it mean to doubt? Can one drive the other? What does it mean to say, “Help my unbelief?” All that and more on this edition of the podcast.